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Breathe better

Sleep better

Live better

Speak with your family doctor today about booking a consultation. Download our referral form here.
Patient Focused Care

Dr. Ferreira cares about her patients. She is very thorough, she is a very good listener and she has an extensive background in her field. She works together with the patients and their family physician to understand their condition and devise a care strategy best suited to their needs.

respiratory specialist

Dr. Ferreira received her Medical Degree and post-grad Respirology training in Sao Paulo, Brazil. She then completed an exclusive joint MSc and PhD at the Federal University of Sao Paulo. Dr. Ferreira is a former Fellow at the University of Toronto, and currently an assistant Professor of Medicine at McMaster University. She is a Clinical Associate at the Asthma and Airways Centre at Toronto Western Hospital, an avid presenter at the American Thoracic Society, and is on the task force for Nutrition in COPD for the European Respiratory Society.

100% bilingual office


Dr. Ferreira and her staff are fluent in both Portuguese and English. We welcome patients of all backgrounds and nationalities.

Respiratory and Sleep Specialist
Dr. Ivone M. Ferreira, MD, M.Sc, Ph.D, FRCPC


Growing up in Brazil, Dr. Ferreira dreamed of being a doctor and followed her passion for Medicine by training in Sao Paulo. After completing her medical degree and post graduate training in Respirology, her passion for further research remained where she then completed an exclusive joint MSc and PhD at the Federal University of Sao Paulo in the use of anabolic ...

address / direcao

340 College St.

Suite 220B

Toronto, ON  

M5T 3A9

Appointments by referral only. Speak with your family physician today!
Consultas somente a pedido do medico de familia. Fale hoje mesmo com seu medico de familia!


Tel: 416-966-2525

Fax: 416-944-2525

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